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Privacy Please

TED TALK Privacy and Revenge Pornography I listened to Darieth Chisolm discuss how our privacy is violated even when we give consent for it and how it can later come back to haunt us with new technology that is used for revenge porn. I have always been aware that what we put out on social media can harm us in the future since everything is highly accessible during this new era. We have to be careful with who comes across our pages and what their real intentions might be. A lot of online profiles have been using disguising techniques to capture and bait young adults into thinking they are someone who they are not, this scary tactic is also known as "cat-fishing" someone into believing they are someone else. These accounts have been used to target, harm, embarrass, and expose individuals and publish personal information and messages about them without having their consent. During the Ted Talk, she discussed what revenge pornography is and how it is being used to threaten

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